[60 fps] The Flying Train, Germany, 1902

2 млн переглядів6 місяців тому

[60 fps] Views of Tokyo, Japan, 1913-1915

6,8 млн переглядів7 місяців тому

[60 fps] Moscow, Tverskaya Street in 1896

4,1 млн переглядів11 місяців тому

Lovers of Army - When The Night Is Cold

54 тис. переглядів9 років том


Transforming the experience of the past
through the power of AI
Our machine learning masterpiece can enhance and restore any digital media
Our services
Resolution upscaling, colorization, FPS boosting
Noise removal, stabilization, damage inpainting, etc.
Motion Smoothing FPS boosting
Neural networks can generate additional frames for your film, allowing Buster Keaton to move with the grace of Baryshnikov. Films with as low as 14 fps can be boosted to 60 fps or anywhere in between.
Resolution upscaling 4K+
See your footage in a whole new light after our neural network increases image resolution 4x or more. Individual frames are upscaled using specifically-targeted datasets that blend seamlessly with your existing footage.
Colorization β
Breathe new life into black and white film footage using a neural network specifically trained on our own dataset. While not historically accurate, our approximate colorization appears natural to the human eye.
Additional AI services
Our technical team is capable of developing custom solutions for a variety of digital media challenges. We're constantly seeking out new opportunities to expand our AI portfolio, and we aren't afraid to experiment.
Real world solutions using artificial intelligence
Our clients & partners
Our press
"the closest thing to time travel"
Our work
a multinational team of machine-learning enthusiasts
Our team
CEO and Product Director
Denis is a long-time ML-enthusiast and Product Manager with 10+ years of experience and an impressive portfolio of successful products.

He relocated from Moscow to Poland several years ago and gained international notoriety after uploading one of his ML experiments to YouTube in February 2020. Based on the massive success of his first video, he launched with colleagues as a business later that same year.

Liz asked me to add something personal, so I can also say that I'm a platinum league Rainbow 6 Siege player and a jogging enthusiast.

Business Development Manager
Elizabeth (Liz) joined the team in March 2020 as its Business Development Manager and language localization specialist.

Despite being a proud Coloradan, she has spent the last six years working as a cross-cultural communications trainer for educational organizations and tech firms in northern Poland.

As a classically-trained musician, part-time radio journalist, and graduate of the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies, she is particularly interested in Natural Language Processing and AI-generated music.
Chief Technology Officer
Before becoming's CTO, Ilya already had extensive experience building modern, high-perfomance web applications.

Originally hailing from Ufa in the Republic of Bashkortostan (yes, it's a real place), he spent the last decade building a Moscow-based media company which now boasts over 15 million monthly unique visitors.

When not busy managing's IT infrastructure, he can be found debating the merits of urban planning, or going on orienteering adventures with his daughter.
Lead ML Engineer
As's resident Machine Learning Engineer, Artem leads the Research and Development team where he currently manages at least one minion (reportedly more).

He mainly struggles with versions of Python dependencies and spends most of his time arguing about batch size(s) with his non-ML manager(s).

He is also the (proud) owner of a black cat, and dreams of one day having time for refactoring.
We are located in Gdansk, Poland
Contact us at:


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