Thursday, 15 September 2016

10 facts about vintage clothing and fashion

I was mega excited to post this one! We all love an interesting fact, so I spent some time doing some research on the history of vintage clothing and fashion! I had loads of fun doing so, check these out!

Clothes produced before the 1920’s are considered to be ‘Antique Clothing’ and anything 10 years or older is considered to be ‘Vintage clothing’.

Clothes back in the day were much smaller because as years go on, us people grow larger and taller – so when you find a jacket in store that says a Large but would fit your baby siblings… That’s why!

Over 70% of the world’s population uses secondhand or vintage clothes (not even including the US!).

The vintage clothing and recycled clothing industry has saved over 1 million tons of clothing and textiles from ending up in our landfills each year.

The average lifetime of a piece of clothing is only around 3 years. That’s where we step in and help to save the day!

Buying vintage clothing has nothing but a positive effect on the environment unlike buying new. Let’s help out our little old planet with some recycling yeah!

The first ever pair of Doc martins were created from old tires. So if you’re ever stuck for cash for a new pair, just make sure you ask to borrow the tires from the family car first, you should be fine…

One of the oldest most recognisable brands we see, would be Woolrich.

The skirt is the second oldest piece of clothing to exist… and up until the 1600 – 1700’s women AND men wore them, who’s gonna be the first to bring it back then boys?

The zipper didn’t appear on garments until the late 30’s. The two original uses of the zipper back in the day were for closing boots and tobacco pouches. It was almost 20 years until the fashion industry introduced it to clothing! In the 1930’s, a campaign began for children’s clothing to feature zippers. This was top help them be able to dress themselves easier.

I had to add just one more extra fact in because this one is just amazing…


Napoleon wasn’t just about war, he actually contributed to fashion without realizing it would become a forever thing – the reason we have buttons on sleeves of our jackets, is because he got way too tired of his soldiers wiping their noses on their sleeves. So our buttons are basically an obstruction for our snotty noses!

Fun facts of the day for ya! Have a great weekend!

Lizzie x



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